Written by Hannie
Sunday, 18 October 2009 11:11 |
Finally made a new stacked photo of Bruiser today, click here to see it. |
Written by Hannie
Monday, 05 October 2009 21:12 |
Oktober 4th was Bruiser's first show in junior class. Unfortunately he was the only Curly on the day, as the other Curly entered stept in glass in the morning. BUT to get the junior CAC and to get the adult CAC the dog always need the qualification "Excellent". I was pleased to have an English judge Patsy Hollings and she wrote about him : "Good quality dog, very nicely put together, head appeals greatly. Still very much a baby but must have a brilliant future" He got the qualification Excellent, and his first Dutch CAC and junior CAC. |
Written by Hannie
Saturday, 12 September 2009 22:16 |

On 12 september the Curly Coated Retriever Club Nederland had it's first Championshipshow. Bruiser, who will be out of puppyclass in 2 days, won Best Puppy! here he is pictured with judge Annemieke van Luyk. |
Written by Hannie
Monday, 31 August 2009 20:15 |
On 30/8 Bruiser made his debute on the International Championshipshow in Rotterdam. He was still in puppyclass, so he could not compete against the adult Curlies. In the breed ring he got the highest puppy qualification, 'Very promising', and lateron he was to compete with 34 other puppies in the large main ring. His performance in the main ring was excellent, like he did it many times before, but it was really the first time. He became 5th of all puppies, so that was excellent! A great start for Bruiser! |
Written by Hannie
Monday, 24 August 2009 12:26 |
Very sad day today as we had to give Andy his eternal sleep. About 3 months ago Andy was diagnosed with Maligne Lymphoma, but luckely he was very well during these 3 months. Yesterday he was still doing excellent as always, eating very well, feeling great, doing his high-five for his bedtime biscuit! This morning he was feeling very poorly and just could not go on anymore. I saw in his eyes something was very wrong, and when the vet arrived at home she confirmed that something blocked his circulation. So I decided to safe him from further suffering we gave him his eternal sleep. He went very peacefull on his favorite spot in the back of my car. After more than 11 years together it will be very empty without him, but all the memories from 11 beautifull years will stay forever, and it were 11 incredible years! Thank you Tiina for let me take care of this pearl of Curlydom. Andy 11 years old, more recent photo's see below |
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